aprilie 29, 2009

si culori :P

5 comentarii:

Dungha spunea...


nydia bonetti spunea...

Hello, Danusia!

I love your photos specially the ancient houses. You would authorize me use a photo of his in the title page of my blog of poetry LONGITUDES - ?http://nydiabonetti.blogspot.com/?

If it is not able, I understand perfectly. Your work is marvelous.


Nydia - São Paulo Brazil

danushka spunea...

hello, nydia! :)

it brings joy to my soul your request. :) let me know what photo you would like to use on your blog. i'm gonna have to sign it and if you agree to put a referring link to my blog and my name under the photo... it's ok ;)

let me know your e-mail address so that i could send you the photo if what i said above it's ok with you too.

thank you for kind words.
may you have a peaceful night!

nydia bonetti spunea...

I already put a link with a photo of yours in the side one of the blog, together with my entitled poem "HOUSE". Did you see?
So what will have a time do I intend to change the appearance of the blog then I choose a photo that goes together with the title of the blog and speak again with you / ok? They are so many beautiful that to choose is difficult. Very happy, thank you!
PS: My English is the worst! :))

danushka spunea...

morning, nydia!
yes, i saw my window photo with a link towards my blog... i thought you wanted to use it in one of your posts... :)
so, when you've chosen the photo... let me know. i would like to write my name on the photo and then send it to you for your blog. :)

ps: i wish i knew portuguese... so that i could understand your poem... ;)